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Eye Crossword N0. 783

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Matakari | 11:54 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | Crosswords
15 Answers

Good afternoon, I’m stuck on the following and would appreciate some help, thanks.

13a Player/ambassador with 'City doesn't have it' prognosis (8) : ????H???
4d Stuff America – it possesses nothing attractive! (8) : ?O?S????
16d Tory leader full of old-fashioned sorrow – not a typical politician's sort of response? (8) : ??P?H?U?
21d Cyclops Award presented to right dick (6): M?M?E?



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21 Me (Cyclops) MBE r(ight)

13 prophecy

Prophecy; Gorgeous; Truthful; Member

13 Prop HE (ambassador) EC (city) Y

4 Goirgeous - Gorge O US.

...sorry for the type - Gorgeous.

16 Truthful T(ory) Ruthful.

Apologies, Brainiac, I hadn't noticed your list! 

Matakari, EV looks rather Matakari-friendly - though I have said that before and been spectacularly wrong!

Question Author

Many thanks, all! Thought this was going to be plain sailing, but a few still stump me.

10/11 Attempt by his minister to win money from Rishi's doomed venture? (8,6) ?L?C?I??G?M??? ( ELECTION GAMBLE )
16A Get knotted, has-been PM! (5) T???S
6d Such fun for loony left to get in charge! (6) : ?R???C
13d Touches up in audition break (5)  P???E



Election Gamble



Pause (sounds like Paws)

6 frolic.

Question Author

Thanks, all, I saw 10/11, 6d but could not parse the latter.
The last one:
24d Study like crazy to dispense with second job (4) D?T?

Thanks, Matakari. Your last one is an easy one - Duty,job, study loses its S, second.

6 D is simply an anagram (loony) of For +L, left and IC, in charge.

Question Author

Very lovely parsing for these, NACW! Thanks! I'll be having a look at the EV a bit later, thanks!

Thanks, Matakari - though you're a very regular PE solver, so I expected you to zoom your way through the puzzle. Don't let yourself be daunted by EV, you are well up to the challenge!



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Eye Crossword N0. 783

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