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Sunday Business Post

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Bernie | 00:10 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

20d. It's on the cards, the court case will be trivial enough (5,4) m???r. ?u?t

24a. According to the flier ' dynasty' is back(4)???t

8d. One finds Geri Homer mad about these buscuits(6,4) I have ginger nuts( hence my't' for 24a.

I may be wrong

14d. Need to lose, right?. Grand, but how sad is that(7)

I have requiem. I'm  not too sure about it.

Many thanks 



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20d minor suit

24 gnat = Tang reversed

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Sorry 8d should be biscuits

14. requi(r)e  m

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Thanks to all for help generously given

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