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Tls 1536

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dafyddapgwilym | 11:08 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

7d) A good way to quote words written by trendy politician (2,7).

I have I?,??N???T and have hit the wall...




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First word looks like IN!

second word may start CON

In context - 'in (trendy) Con(servative) text (words)'

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My hero, LIK. And can you explain why 16d is WAR PISTOL, please? (Weapon in a two-part Shogun reading, 3,6).

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Or even AIR PISTOL??

Air pistol - "show gun" (Shogun in 2 parts, read; spoken)

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Groan. Thank you. Not enjoying this one, I'm afraid.

Glad I could help 😊

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Tls 1536

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