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How Sad, Never Mind

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youngmafbog | 14:21 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | News
17 Answers

Has this woman lost the plot bleating about darling Cressida missing her brother wedding.  What about those that lost appointments couldnt get to funerals let alone ambulance and fire crews stuck, such arrogance, mother needs locking up too.

Personally I havnt laughed so much in a long time.  Karma is great.



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damn savages - should got a good birching as well
16:40 Tue 23rd Jul 2024

She can't possibly be all the ticket.  

Irony clearly isn't a strong with this deluded woman. 

Four years for a peaceful protest.  Nobody else think that's a bit excessive?


It may have been peaceful but it was extremely disruptive and protracted - the M25 was closed for 5 days.


sandyRoe 15.46.  4 years a bit excessive.  There are many who believe that 4 years was not enough.

An upper-class mummy defending her upper-class poppet.I thought sandyRoe was for the common people,the working class?I must have been wrong.

Not excessive sentence, but what was excessive was holding up the traffic so that other lives were put at risk & flights were missed.


I would have left her up there.  

damn savages - should got a good birching as well

The article mentioned missed funerals and missed hospital appointments, so presumably there were missed weddings as well. What about them - any apologies?

And missing her brother's wedding is the least of her problems.  She's one year into a Cambridge University degree - I would have thought that was a bigger issue to whine about ...

She'll be unemployable, who the hell would take her on apart from of some useless pointless role in the public sector.

not a dry eye in the house!

just shows that a Cambridge education is no indicator of intelligence.

sandy: "Four years for a peaceful protest.  Nobody else think that's a bit excessive?" - have day off, it disrupted thousands of lives for no reason whatsoever.

"One person suffering an aggressive form of cancer missed a vital appointment due to the chaos and had to wait two months to be seen as a result. Others were late for flights while some even missed funerals due to traffic jams caused by the protest. 

Children with special educational needs were also delayed on their way to school, one without access to his medication, meaning the driver was put at risk as the child could have become volatile. " - petit vache.

She'll only serve about 19 months (less any time she served in custody). The wedding is not until next summer so her brother can postpone it for six months or so until she comes out. Least he can do to accommodate his little sister and far more consideration than she showed for all those who had their lives disrupted.

Nowhere near excessive. Needed as authorities deliberately chose to fail to nip this guano in the bud, and now have to throw the book at them. Give an inch, they take a mile.

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