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FleshpotsOfDevon | 11:54 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
30 Answers

Planet's epigrammist (7) ??R?I?? 

Ta muchly 



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Thanks, I was thinking it was something to do with "Mars". 

It is. Martial comes from the Latin martialis, meaning "of Mars"—Mars in this case being not the planet but the Roman god for whom the planet was named. Mars was the god of war and one of the patron gods of Rome itself.

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Yes that's what I mean...I was thinking along those lines. :D 

Have got all but 3 of the clued lights but drawing a blank i think on the theme other than the rather too obvious?

I think the second letter of the unclued 36D in A?

25A old soveriegn's glittering fishes (7)

I have S?I??R?


27D Hanging basket on Venetian canals (7)



7D King at dance losing weight (7)

I have ???R?E?

One trio could be 24A and 33D but missing the third?



27d Gondolas

7d Charles(ton)

24a 36d 24a is that trio

33d 15d and 34a is another

^^Gondola singular!

25a - a double definition

27d - Think Just one Cornetto

7d - A recent King

24a and 33d are not in a group

My typing!

24a, 36d and 12a are the trio

Thanks for 7D (doh) and 27D which is very clever!

Not sure i see 25A at the moment though -does it end in a Y?

24A add a C and it becomes anagrammed to 36D and then add another letter to get to  12A is that the logic?

42 A must therefore begin with A and end in N and be linked with 


And as you say 33D /15A and 34A

what on earth are 4A and 13A then?

24 36 12 correct logic

42a linked with 13a which is the first 5 letters and then the last 4 letters - 2 names

4 across 2 names 6 letters then 5 letters linked to 31a

25 shiners could be the fish but I'm not sure of the old sovereign

shiner is a word for the coin and the fish so: shiners

phew finished many thanks to jj and johnpiper

A nice gentle puzzle from Doc - I initially made the mistake of assuming all the unclueds were female. One clue, however eludes me as I cannot rationalise the Lisbon reference:

43A Transport in Lisbon melting tarmac by river (7)

Any ideas ?



Tramcar - anagram of tarmac & r(iver)

Any letters on this one please?

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