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What Sort Of Shoes Would Be Ideal For Tomorrow?

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abbeylee90 | 22:17 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Shopping & Style
11 Answers

To wear on castle ground for a festival 



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Flat and comfortable.

maybe Wellies if it's raining.

enjoy yourself.😁😁

Abbey, it depends on the 'ground' at the castle - steep, flat, does it have paths, is it grass?  Is it likely to be wet at all tomorrow? Have a little think and see what YOU think would be most suitable for the place that you'll be going to, the place that you know and we don't!

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It's on grass and apparently it's sunny

White trainers would be most suitable. Worn with a dress and jacket, you will be stylish but practical.

it might depend what sort of festival, Mozart, hip-hop or craft beer.

Thank god for the shift allowance.


The same shoes that Cinderella wore?

Just don't leave one behind, wouldn't want a handsome prince stalking you.

Oh, the never ending questions on AB if that were to occur.

You mean a grass slipper ?

Is this the Anne Marie line up ? I've just seen the general admission price of £66 plus !  Can this be correct ?  Wow ...

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Yes that's it

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What Sort Of Shoes Would Be Ideal For Tomorrow?

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