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Bring Up. ?R?G?

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No-Puffin | 14:54 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

Sunday mail: bring up:   ?r?g?

 totally stumped



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What gave you the G?

No-Puffin, I didn't get the paper today, but if it is 6 letters - dredge?

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got G from playground item - swing



Could it be breed

If G = E, breed?

I was goint to suggest slide and breed but when I looked up breed it seemed to only mean give birth to/sexually reproduce rather than bring up

Question Author

give up now settle for draqgs.   thanks all


can't be drags- clue was bring up so that wouldn't be a verb ending in S- could have been drag up but that's 4,2

I'm pretty sure now it'll be breed and slide as I've found a  meaning of breed which is raise/cultivate/nourish/rear/bring up

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Bring Up. ?R?G?

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