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Viz (Apologies If Answer Is Obscene)

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Daij | 18:29 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

13a Librarian's t*t that is, and m*nge dressed by Italian-French fashion designer (6,6)

C?M?i? , M???i?

21a Dunky likely to split the for anarchist? (6,6)

???N?? , ?????N

25a Altogether hot pig covers old snake in *** (4,4,3,6,)

A??? , ????, A?? , S??????

29a Marvellous knocker, big hitter? (7)


20a Badgers' pricks (7)


Thanks in advance



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20 needles

Are you sure of the placed letters? 25  could be hook, line and sinker which means  in every detail.

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Cashier - I just came onto AB to reveal the very same misplaced letters and you beat me to it and yes, it was Hook, Line and Sinker.

I have now conpleted most of the ones I posted earlier - 29 is now ??A?T?? and, 13 is C?M?i? , M?F?i?and is a complete mystery to me . The trouble with the Viz Crossword is that a lot of the words do not exist so you can't look them up. Some clues are so dodgy you can't post the on here and, again, even though some of the clues seem pretty innocuous yet the answers may be obscene.

I have one more to add if I may

16d Far away from fanfare, trill that's windy - f*rter's performance (9)


16 Flatliner - anagram of fan(far)etrill

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Finished it - can't really post my answers for the reasons given above

I'm intriqued about 13a, Daij - can you let us have one of the words?

Glad you managed it Daij.

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Captain2, after a lot of huffing and puffing I discovered the term, Cardie Muffin in the online Profanisaurus

Thanks for that Daij. Fortunately I'm no wiser - oh what a sheltered life I must have lived ........ Not! 😉

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Viz (Apologies If Answer Is Obscene)

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