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Radio Times Prize Crossword 32 Thursday August 3Rd 2023

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6327alanr | 14:07 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

Can someone explain what is the connection between Blue Peter and "Flag's down beside burglar's safe?" I am aware that Blue Peter is a flag."....beside burglar's safe?" - I do not understand



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In criminal slang a 'peter' is a safe and a safe cracker is a 'peterman'


peter in British English

(ˈpiːtə )

noun slang1. 

a safe, till, or cash box


a prison cell


the witness box in a courtroom

Question Author

Thank you for your help. I did realise, after asking the question, that "down" = BLUE. I did not know about PETER=SAFE.

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Radio Times Prize Crossword 32 Thursday August 3Rd 2023

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