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Ireland's Own

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Trayc5 | 18:57 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
22 Answers

4a, A stream of liquids(5) S-U-E?

4d, Vendor;person who puts something for sale

9a, Decrease in net income of a company(6) --V---?

12a, Sale of produce to consumers(6)R-N---?

Any help would be great .




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4d  seller

4a slice? 

4   Spume?

Sorry, that should say sluce! 

12   Retail?

12. Retail.

9a should be easy- but I just can't see it

9d saving fits the pattern- but not the clue!

Have you got any more letteers for 9a now please?

9 Divest?

I thought the spelling was sluIce. Spume doesn't seem right to me- that's more foam isn't it?

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For 4d, I put in Seller but could'nt get answer for 9a as it would start with L-V---?

4a is 5 letters.S-U-E. For 5d 

Out of line; not balanced I put in UNEVEN .Which is where U is coming from in 4a.

Hope this makes sence.

Where does the v come from?

4a  spout?

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V comes from 5d Out of line ; not balanced .I put UNEVEN .So V then is 3rd letter in 9a.Decrease in net income of a company (6) L-V ---?


losses if the V is wrong?

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Its 5d thats wrong Out of line ; unbalanced (6) --V--T ?

so there's two 6 letter answers with V in them? Or have you mixed the clues/patterns up?

could 4 a be SPURT - could your E be wrong

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