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Clue Chain 7

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Hazlinny | 14:31 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Crosswords
1124 Answers

Starting Clue Chain 7 - all welcome 😊

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.  If nobody has answered the clue within 30 minutes, the setter should post a further hint and so on until the clue is solved.

Clue:  Old federal prison where Carlos might have added an extra cuppa.  (8)




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If correct:

four, five and six question and refuse to obey (4)

d(4) e(5) f(6) (wh)y

Catch desert fish? (4)

Question Author

? Chub

Defy is correct, miser

'catch' is homophone indicator - logging off now so please carry on when you solve

Question Author


Question Author

Not sure if Goby will be correct but next clue ...

Conditional, the fourth is reportedly undecided. [9]

depending ?

Question Author

Yes Johnny.




Ta! 😀



strange monster duel left out giant and mammoth (10) 

extra clue

they are reportedly working on the sycamore gap (10)

Question Author

? tremendous

yes  hazi#

sounds like tree menders ?


anag: monster due

Question Author

Thanks 😊

 Sport is done on Internet on a breezy day?



Question Author

Yes 😊 too easy!

thank you 😀

Is it true a chap can be made to slowly come down to earth ? (9)

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Clue Chain 7

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