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Viz Craptic 338

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Richmond15 | 09:12 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Marvellous knocker, big hitter







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the answer is rude. Tatter, but with a W.

Question Author


Can anyone help with my last few.

9dn - lick and eat fantastic pussy? (7)   C?t???e

13ac - Librarian's t#t that is, and m#nge dressed by Italian-French fashion designer (6,6).   

21ac - Dunky likely to split then for anarchists? (6,6) 

19dn - not much wood - f##k allowed ? (7)

Thanks in advance


9d anagram of lick eat = catlike

13a. want to suggest Pierre Cardin, but cant parse it.  Does it fit?

13a seen elsewhere as Cardie Muffin, but I haveno idea who that is.

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Viz Craptic 338

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