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Private Eye 784

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horriblehorace | 11:29 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

7d 9 letters --S-L----
Complaint about senior party lackeys starts to generate anger



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Displease - disease (complaint) about P and L

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Thanks.  Seemed to havea sare "s"!


HH, I too felt there was an extra S,m generated by the superfluous Senior?

As far as the superfluous "S" is concerned, I felt the "senior" meant the two first letters of "party lackeys".

"starts" suggests the PL - I think senior IS superfluous.

I think "senior" is for the P & L, and "starts to generate anger" is "displease", i.e. to displease is to cause the angry feeling.

GVloved1, I'd like your suggestion better if the tenses matched up - 'starts to generate anger' would more likely lead to 'displeases'.  As the answer is 'displease', I feel the clue should have had 'start', if your idea was being followed? 

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Private Eye 784

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