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Loki2034 | 12:50 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
18 Answers

Worker tipped to fence in policeman, say (6)pa?ro?

Thanks in advance.



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Yes but why?

Sorry Loli, I can't figure it out, thus my? 


Loki,Ellie... I stuck in Patrol, with no real reasoning, because I had PA?ROL (the L coming from the 'variant spelling' word mentioned in the preamble). 

Thank you NAC

Patrol (policeman, say) - 'prol(e)' (worker, tipped, to fence; contain) 'at' (in)

Thanks for the parsing, solving, Lie-in King. Thematic stuff meant I had no actual need, but the explanation was good, useful etc!

Glad I could help, assist, aid, lend a hand... 😉

Thank you for coming to the rescue, L-i K x

@14.18 🤣 

I wondered if the puzzle was thesaural in nature, as Nac's post seemed to be 🤭

I suspect verbosity

...prolixity, longiloquence...

Question Author

Thanks all.I have finished the crossword but I have a problem with 10d. There is an extra letter in every clue.

10d Expulsions from head of school, with some going north before us, first of eight soon.(10) synaereses. 
I get the extra letter to be u from 'us' but it is supposed to be o.

Loki, 's' can be used for Us, so there's no need to have the U as extra. The O comes from 'soon' - take one of those out, so that we can use the standard S for 'son'.

Lie-in King (et al), sorry for the ....waffle. It was merely to camouflage that the word Patrol was involved - in a sense- in thematic elements and I'd had no need to parse it.

Thanks Neveracrossword.


Thanks, jadzia49. 

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