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Spectator 2665

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Tilly2 | 13:51 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

Hello, I've got myself in a pickle in the south east corner and need a bit of help.

41a In putsch, Chinese dynasty's appearing. (6, 2)

I have 'aiming at.'

43a Straighten out nun's  trembling hands. (7)

I have 'NNSN?E?' 😮

Also, why can I not find a list of the circling things in my 13th Edition Chambers? Am I looking in the wrong place?

Thanks for any help.



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41a co Ming up

Question Author

Thank you, KD. My Lion ant answer was wrong.

43a..   unsnarl

For the things circling you need the second part of 28a.(6 letters)

Question Author

Thank you for unsnarl, teacher. I know what I'm looking for but I can't find a help list.

wikipedia helped me .......not one complete list.


Question Author

Ok. Thanks again.

Tilly2, I did not find a help list, but an earlier thread suggested the first unclued at 1a followed by the second at 6a comprising seven letters. Thereafter the hunt continued successfully for me with the help of Google.

Question Author

Thank you, Matakari. All finished now. My eyes have gone wobbly looking at lists!

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Spectator 2665

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