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johnpiper | 12:06 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Romped through almost all of this

saw the theme early on which helped.

Stuck on 2 clued clues though

6A Urge to chase round and round behind lobby (6)

I have ?A???O

8D Idle on set one has metoeric career (6)


14A Very healthy backing by old sports fan (6) 


And lastly 15D

In great anziety over a year complied with scurvey treatment (8)

I have ??M?TAR?

Could this be Femetary?




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8 D is an anagram...

14  Your A is wrong, it should be an I. It's an odd, new to me word. It starts with a reversal of a three letter word meaning 'very healthy' (and sometimes 'good looking'!)

15 Yes 

6 A is an everyday word, I didn't know it meant 'urge to chase', but it's in Chambers. You need a four-letter lobby (noun, part of a house) followed by 'round' and another 'round'...

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Will persevere 


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Annoyingly simple 6A wondered about it but rejected it. should have looked at the dictionary definition


Bit annoyed about missing the anagram fro 8D

FOund it hard to find the F word and 14A a new word for me too!

Thanks both

JP, glad those were enough to help. I like coming across new words and/or new meanings.

PS There's only one of me!

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