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Times Review 10 Aug

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alidoc | 12:30 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Major distribution problems in our area today, no reviews delivered with the paper though I still had to pay the full price ! My weekend will not be the same without the Jumbo Cryptic and times2 crosswords. Dpoes anyone have a link so I can download the grids and clues and save my sanity. Thank you,



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If you can hang on for 5 minutes...

Sorry, took longer than I expected...

Concise Jumbo -
Cryptic Jumbo -

Open a link, close the "Sign in" box that might appear & you should see a black bar at the bottom of the screen - click the printer symbol on the far right of that bar.

If the black bar isn't there, look for "File" top-left, click that, then "Print".

You might need to adjust your printer settings - eg, mine says "Fit to printable area".

Question Author

Thanks Lie-in-King everything printed off successfully.

Glad I could help 😊

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Times Review 10 Aug

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