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Griceratnumber9 | 18:03 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

Just realised there's one I can't parse.To prepare eg fish in kitchen see e g Sam as cutting back here and there  I'm sure it's unscale as have letters -ns-ale (7 letters). Any ideas?



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Uncle with a & s (as reversed) inside

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Wow! Thanks 

Totally stuck on 32a - Bust of Shakespeare fan altered mistakenly (10). Looks like it should be an anagram but ... I have T?ANE?AL?E. Thanks.

Trade Falne

4d.  Vintage pud that could provide stuffing for beanfeast. (5)  nea?e 

Thank you JJ - outwith my ken!

Teacher - I think the answer is neafe - an obsolete word for a nephew. 

A hasty pudding is slang for a "bas ***" as is "nephew" when the child is born to a clergyman that was sworn to celibacy.

The letters are altogether in "beanfeast so could be the stuffing


But Icould well be wrong!

Thank you JJ109

In 4d 'pud' is a slang word for fist.

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