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Daij | 19:01 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

4d Deputy leader of Alaska turned on crooked air marshall (6,6)

?????? , ?A???S

16a Slim sort needs to accept sex is restrictive (6)


24a "*** party needs right bloke!" - right-wing tory (9)


28a Mediocre cheap housing place providing child care (6)



Thanks in advance




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4 seen as  Kamala Harris 

28 creche in clue 

16 limits

16 limits? 

24 Braverman?

Question Author

Thanks very much for your help


Stuck on 17down Big spender wouldn't text part absent member (6) I have S?R?M?

Any clues please?


As you asked for a clue, I won;t give the answer.

The definition is 'Big spender wouldn't' (do this). You need a six-letter 'text',piece of writing, which loses the abbreviation for 'part' and then gets the usual abbreviation for a 'member' (politician...)

Reply to Neveracrossword re 17down

Thank you very much, I have got it now.

Mjhall, glad I could help. I thought it was a clever clue (and not just because it took me a while to solve it!).

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