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Spectator 2667 Last Unclued One Help Please

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quinol | 15:01 Thu 15th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

32a (5) -ione



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Dione - listed in Chambers (they're all at the back, in an appendix).

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Many thanks Neveracrossword still Chamberless but it's fun guessing

Glad I could help, Quinol.

That is 39a. not 32a. lol

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thanks teach, bof

If only I had known it would take five minutes to do the theme had I been aware of the appendix in Chambers. Instead having got 9d, 12d and 38a from the crossers I wasted an hour searching lists

Oh can anyone explain the parsing of 13a in 2667? 

Picoult (american novelist) = pic (snapshot) + O(hio) + Ult (short for ultimo/last month)

Gourami, your post made me chuckle! It was Doc's wording, '...are listed in Chambers' that prompted me to  check the dictionary index. 

Thanks jj109, and NAC as ever the wisest.

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Spectator 2667 Last Unclued One Help Please

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