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Scottish Field

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Deersold | 18:55 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

13 across..Unsteady (Scottish) c?G???.

17 across.. Lemonade (Scottish). ?p?o?s?.

7 down..Fourth part (Scottish). ?a?D??. 

I Don't know how to mark best answer, or even answer, so thanks in advance to everyone. I'm only used to cryptic where you can work out the answers.



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7 Fardel
19:20 Sat 17th Aug 2024

17 Sproosh (in my Chambers Scots School Dictionary)

12 Cogglie

13a Coggly

7 Fardel

Question Author

That's makes Fourth part (Scottish) ?A?D?L.

13 Sorry about my version of Cogglie - there are often variations in the spelling!

Cheers, Deersold.

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Scottish Field

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