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Good Morning Monday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:58 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

And what do we all have planned for today? 
Had a lovely day yesterday - we went out for a belated 16th Anniversary meal as I was away in Devon on the exact date. So we went to a really old pub that we haven't been to for a long long time. Gorgeous pub garden, sun was beaming - bliss!  
Today is busy with lots of work to do, orders to sort etc, but luckily all from home. And the sun is out in full aga8n already : ) 



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Morning Smow.  Blood test day today, hurrah!  A trip out ๐Ÿคจ

Have you had those results back yet?

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Morning Barry! Do you have to go to the local doctor or hospital then for your results?

Nope I still cannot see  to get mine - have rang all and sundry! That's another item on list today - short of driving to hospital and camping in their  A&E I'm running out of ideas! Although someone did suggest PALS as v good for things like this.

PALS is good, they sorted out an LPA problem I had.

I go to a large shopping centre for the blood tests, plenty of free parking and normally no queues 

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A shopping centre??

Didn’t start well. Sister taken to hospital by ambulance. Wife had a green cricket stuck in her hair. My kidneys hurt.

apart from of the morning to you.

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Omg David - what a start! Is your sister ok??

Morning Smow and all. Agree about PALS, but would advise you to write dates down as far as you remember so they can take a copy. Sorted our problem out. Did loads of washing over the nice few days we had, so today will have to be an ironing day. Glad you are back to 100% and you enjoyed your meal.

Morning all, no Monday craft club today, the hall is being used for a very large funeral 'do' after the service itself in the adjoining chapel.
No club next week either, it being bank holiday.
Don't quite know what I'll do with myself today, maybe start adding the buttons/ribbon/decoration to the prem knits I have already made.
Have a good one whatever you are all doing. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Morning ferlew - are these prem knits  for your local hospital or similar? Sounds a wonderful thing to do. My youngest was 6 weeks premature - not teeny but pretty small, and nothing we had fitted at the time lol. 

Good morning all. Smow you must be getting completely exasperated. I do hope you can lay your hands on the results soon.  
What an adrenaline-fuelled-start to the day - I do hope your sister is OK.


Yes Smow. Both my boys were under 4lbs and had to  live in nighties back in the 70's.
Also I make tiny dainty little gowns for the ones who don't make it. Much nicer than a hospital wrap.
It's sad, but needed.

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Impatiens - just a tad, yes! Nobody seems bothered in the slightest! 

Ferlew - that's really really lovely. Bet that's also v satisfying too, seeing the end result. 

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Where is the time going to today? Far too quickly!

I do not know yet regarding my sister. Sepsis has been mentioned. Thanks for your patience Smowball, I’ve been unavailable.

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Good Morning Monday Birds!

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