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Ev 1656 Hints For Transformations

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quinol | 17:47 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

so I know I must transform 40a 25a 2d (have worked out 7d) 24 d and into what, but hints required please - are they posh varieties like 7d for example



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I think you've got the tricky one (25a is its more usual name) 2d and 24d are big ones and the last one often works on a farm.

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so is 2 down a nationality, and if 21 down is pallid, what is 21 across? still not much idea about 24 down,

sorry to be so dim, not exactly allergic to the category but fonder of the other common one

An intriguing puzzle, indeed! I've only just started it and have 21d, but not yet 7d. 21a is a definition, PIRN.

21a is PIRN, the nationality is at 23a (2d and 24d are big ones).

...sorry, 25a for the nationality.

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many thanks prof maisie, I think I'm there now

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