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Enigmatic Variations N0 1656 - Transfigurations By Kcit

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Matakari | 09:53 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
12 Answers

Good day, an interesting one again this week! I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate help. Thanks in advance!

( PREAMBLE: Clashes occur in three cells. Two entries with clashes and three without are subject to the TRANSFIGURATION implied by a song from the unclued answer, being replaced by five other synonyms. New crossing entries created by replacements are all verifiable in Chambers Dictionary (2016). )


1a   Loose rock initially near some rows of trees ( 7 ) : S?FE?N?
13a Intense temperature appropriate in Aberdeen ( 5 ) : ?K???
20a Numbers enthralled by a salesman, revolutionary character ( 7 ) : ?E?O???
2d  The King with Princess Anne informally joined body ( 7 ): ??U?S??
7d   Policeman with statement having secured murderer’s latest body ( 11 ): I??P???????
24d Article in recording supported by state body ( 7 ) : ?????E?
27d Shock with son going off to be graffiti artist ( 6 ) : ???S?M?



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Matakari, you have a few mistakes, but I'm going m a rush.

24 Cadaver

7 Corporation 

27 Tagger

2d chassis

20 persona

Matakari, hope these helped and that you got this good puzzle finished off. 

PS Did you ever return to last week's EV, or did the extra letters thing put you off? 

Question Author

Great help here and many thanks! Another batch for which I seek your help!

6a Small reptile penetrated by one hot wind ( 6 ):  SC??S?
13a Intense temperature appropriate in Aberdeen ( 5 ) : R?CE?
25a Body of people, old French company, found in disgusting place ( 7 ) : S?A?ET?
3d Further encourage arbiter over fight after Duke’s fled ( 6 ) :  RE??ED
23d Make fuss about money to burn ( 7 ) : ?I???T?  ( LIGNITE )
26d Small example, partway through answer? ( 6 ) : ?I?GE?


PS: My last EV was aborted as I could not accumulate sufficient extra letters to complete it.

6 Sciroc

25 Society

13 Richt

26 Midget


Remember there are clashes involved. 

PS Shame about EV - I thought we'd given you a great start with the letters.

23 D. Cremate, burn - Create, make, with M, money inside.

Question Author

Thanks, NACW! And for this one?
3d Further encourage arbiter over fight after Duke’s fled ( 6 ) :  RE??ED

Thanks, Matakari. 

3 D. Refuel, further encourage. Ref, arbiter and (D)uel, fight after Duke's left (ie drop the D)

Hope you finish this off now!

Question Author

Merci, NACW, this should be the end of another great lesson.

Thanks, Matakari - and I'm sure you won't be a learner for very much longer!

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Enigmatic Variations N0 1656 - Transfigurations By Kcit

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