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And they are off.....

Stand by for other Unions to pile in very shortly.

Rocketing inflation and a dumped economy here we come.

What does SMOE mean?

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SMOE: Sick Man Of Europe.

Question Author

09:15 ...then interest rates through the roof. Surely no one with a mortgage voted Labour...did they?

Thanks.  Why not write that then? 

Consider the faces (& bodies) of those pickets - not a lean & hungry look in sight.  Game on! 

 Prepare for a Winter of Discontent, mark 2 

Question Author

09:28 because it's an abbreviation designed to cut out lengthy names for things. eg RSPCA.

Some are well known and official - the one you've used is made up.  I feel sorry for newcomers here reading your posts.  They won't have the foggiest idea what you're talking about.  If you must use your own language at least have the courtesy to make headings clear.

Question Author

well once they get explained as I have done here there get used to it.

A complete waste of time.  Just do is all a favour and write plain English.


Question Author

"if you must use your own language at least have the courtesy to make headings clear." - The heading is designed to make people look further, advertisers use it all the time. I'd have thought AB would welcome my efforts to increase clicks.

Question Author

09:44 no, if you want the site to look like a legal text book then I would suggest the management would not agree.

Well I understood what it meant Naomi.

Whilst I get what you are saying this thread is now pretty much derailed.  Well done.

Starmer's capitulation to the junior doctors history will show was a great blunder.

Still, we on the right should remember Napoleon giving advice to his marshals:   “Then, gentlemen, let us wait a little; when your enemy is executing a false movement, never interrupt him.” 

Get back on topic then, YMB.  You didn't have to join that particular duscission.

Naomi ... Some of TTT's abbreviations are known only to himself, NALOPKT


Never nudge your granny when she's shaving 

The problem with home made abbreviations is that people seeking clarification have to look elsewhere therefore taking them away from the site.

YMB, just like the government, you're easily derailed.


I once posted a spoof where the yoonians demanded 26 weeks holidays, 26 weeks paid sick leave and a million quid a year. I was only joking. I didn't think the gits would take it serious.  

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