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Bogtrotter | 16:21 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

1a Chinese philosopher abandoning UN for HNis Imperial Highness's pet: ??i? ??? 3d War story from scripture covering some medals: ??? ??o?e? s?o?d



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3 The Silver Sword ?

Question Author

Thankyou - I'd been thinking broken sword, but that sounds much more likely, and I really should have thought of it!

That means your O should be an L, what is that clue please?


Question Author

This is in response to elliemay1 12a Web designer from city in North Carolina: ??a?l????


Charlotte, Charlotte's Web, famous story and Charlotte is a town/city in North Carolina.


PS I am not sure if you had the answer anyway, but I liked the clue!

Question Author

Charlotte - of course!

1 Any ideas?

I was trying to anagram Confucius minus UN.

1a Shih-tzu - 'Sun Tzu' abandoning 'UN' for 'H(is) I(mperial) H(ighness)'

Question Author

Thanks all, I did finally manage to work out 1a!

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