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The Week 1428

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Chaseman | 15:41 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

8d Salt: a minimum of it, say, limits trouble (3,3) S?A ?O? must be Sea Dog as in Old Salt but why limits trouble?

19d African teacher's assistant holding pen ?S?A?A. All I can come up with is Asmara, capital of Eritrea and Tswana, a Bantu language.



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8d Sea dog - 's(alt; minimum of) eg (say)' (limits) 'ado' (trouble)
19d Tswana -  't(eaching) a(ssistant)' (holding) 'swan' (pen)

Sorry, the definition for 19d is "African"

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Thanks LIK. Bit Delphic those two!

You're welcome 😊

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The Week 1428

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