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Irish Mail On Sunday

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maureen | 11:56 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
14 Answers

Hi All. 4D Buffs, bananas & headbutts N?T? I have Nuts but don't get it.  13D Desitious, Mutinous. ?R?A?I?O?S. Thanks in advance.



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Timpano, a kettledrum, has its own listing in Chambers, and there's also typano as a variation. Timpani, tympani is the plural.
12:46 Mon 26th Aug 2024

13d  Traitorous

4d  Triple definition

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HI brainiac, I have paradiddle for 20A and timpani for 22A so the A and the O in traitorous doesen't fit.

13d Treasonous?


Could your Timpani be TimpanO?

Nothing fits that letter pattern, and I think you mean 'seditious'

Must be timpano (although I don't know the clue) and treasonous

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Hi Timpano is an italian dish, and timpani is a drum.

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Sorry brainiac, your right, I did mean Seditious.

Timpano, a kettledrum, has its own listing in Chambers, and there's also typano as a variation. Timpani, tympani is the plural.

Is this any help,

Timpani is an Italian plural, the singular of which is timpano. However, in English the term timpano is only widely in use by practitioners: several are more typically referred to collectively as kettledrums, timpani, temple drums, or timps. They are also often incorrectly termed timpanis.

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Thank you very much. You're correct.

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Thank you.

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Irish Mail On Sunday

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