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The Obvious Child (Paul Simon)

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Bert45 | 02:07 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Music
2 Answers

Do you know what is meant by "the obvious child" in Paul Simon's song, and why he or she should be denied? Wikipedia tells me: "The song's lyrics thematically relate to a fear of aging and leaving behind the "boldness of youth," according to Sullivan. Holden considered it a story of an everyman pondering the uncertainty of life whilst navigating his high school yearbook." which leaves me none the wiser (and no better informed).



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Is there a comma missing? Don't deny the obvious, child.

He's elderly, reflecting from his death bed, his son sat with him.  His son can't face the fact that his dad is dying, and is being told not to deny it, not to sugar coat the situation.

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The Obvious Child (Paul Simon)

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