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Observer Azed 2723 Tuesday August 27Th 2024

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debmackley | 09:44 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Stuck on 25 across- scottish speaker introducing fashion for fake fur



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Letter count and pattern would help please

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I guess the answer may include INFO ((sounds like In Faux)

My suggestion must be wrong as I think you kave got the clue slightly wrong- faux should be in the clue.

Here's the clue:

 25 Scottish speaker introducing fashion for faux fur

Question Author

Yes, should be faux fur

Do you have any letters already?

Mouton - 'mou' (Scot. "mouth"; speaker) + 'ton' (fashion)

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Observer Azed 2723 Tuesday August 27Th 2024

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