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The Tory Legacy

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gulliver1 | 10:59 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | News
40 Answers

A massive Black hole has now been discovered in the UK economy..After the Tories went dancing and skipping over the sunny uplands with their pockets full of taxpayer cash. Now the truth is coming out.After Labour have discovered a whopping great £22 billion hole in the economy left by the Tories plus public borrowing was at a record high under the Tories ...Thank god the public woke up and smelled the coffee on july 4th.



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even if it's true £22bn out of £3tn, is lke 70p out of £100. Nothing to see here.

It isnt true though it is a labour lie.

The books were open the IFS were happy with them and it seems some of that "22Bn" includes Robber Reeves givaway to the Unions.

Robber Rieves like all opposition chancellors had access to the books prior to every budget. So if she's only discovering it now she's either incompetant or telling porkies.

Budget set for October as Labour tackles 'black hole' in public finances. Rachel Reeves claimed the government has inherited a £22bn hole in public finances, which she said if left unaddressed would leave a 25 per cent deficit in this year's budget.29 Jul 2024

But they are giving money to Sudan

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Unfortunately for Labour  they will have to take drastic action to save the UK from becoming insolvent after the 14 years of mismanagement of taxpayers money by The Robbing Tories.

Be fair though Webbo- the Sudan aid was already in the budget. The £11.5B to foreign climate change issues wasn't as far as I know. Only a fool would believe Rachel hadn't seen the books

This is the same old rubbish that's been done before.   You're stuck in a timewarp, gulliver.

'Jeremy Hunt’s spending forecasts are to be investigated by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) after the discovery of a £22bn black hole in the public finances.

Richard Hughes, head of the spending watchdog, announced a formal review into the forecasts for the Spring Budget.

It is the first time the OBR has introduced such a review. Mr Hughes claimed he was alerted to the “seriousness” of the issue at a meeting with the Treasury last week.

In a letter to the Treasury select committee, he said: “This would constitute one of the largest year-ahead overspends against Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL) forecasts outside of the pandemic years.

“The review will assess the adequacy of the information and assurances provided to the OBR by the Treasury regarding departmental spending.”'

Is the OBR incompetent or lying?

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The only way Labour can get the Country out of this terrible financial crisis the Tories have bestowed on the unsuspecting public is. Things will have to get worse before they can get better.But of course it will not affect those ex Tory MPs or the likes of Baroness Mone etc, etc who are now well over the fields and far away...๐Ÿ˜Ž living a life of luxury๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Naomi ...Remember the good old Tory Slogan from the past.  ..๐Ÿ˜ŽIf it isn't Hurting it isn't Working๐Ÿ˜Ž...Remember that.๐Ÿ˜Ž

most of the £22bn "black hole" appears to be caused by Labour giving in to massive public sector pay rises, not my assessment, Beth Rigby from sky news:

"The reasoning the prime minster gave for this was a need to plug a £22bn spending gap that was "hidden" by the previous government.

However, Beth points out part of that money is because Labour recently handed out billions of pounds settling public sector pay deals."

So it's all Labour's own doing in a record 7 weeks! Genius!

It's hurting the elderly and the poor, that's for sure, gulliver - and there you are cheering.  Some 'socialist'.

It's astonishing that one of the first things a new Labour administration do is remove the universal winter fuel payments - which were brought in, with much fanfare, by, er, a Labour government in 1997, when Gordon Brown was Chancellor.


Imagine the uproar if it had been an incoming Tory government who had scrapped it:  typical unfeeling, hard-hearted Tories etc etc    Unbelievable.  And more pain to come, much more.

They've made fools of their supporters.

I recently wrote to our new Prime Minister reminding him of a promise he and his party made in 2019 regarding compensation for every veteran exposed to nuclear radiation. If I ever get the compensation, no ignore that, If I ever get a reply I'll let you know.

What happened, vulcan?

11:58 I suggest the 2nd word would be "all"

I meant how come Vulcan was exposed to nuclear radiation.  I don't doubt that nothing has been done about it - not for a moment.

TORATORATORA 'Most of the £22bn "black hole" appears to be caused by Labour giving in to massive public sector pay rises, not my assessment, Beth Rigby from sky news' [emphasis added]

Then you go on to quote the following, "However, Beth points out part of that money is because Labour recently handed out billions of pounds settling public sector pay deals."[emphasis added]

Did Beth Rigby actually say, "Most of" (meaning more than £11 billion) or did she say, "Part of" which could mean any figure?

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