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Radio Times 36

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Saint76 | 14:30 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

Stuck on a few today. Help appreciated

7a Porous stench is from moving outside (10) ?????????m

11a European city, regularly stay for refinement (6) n???t?

15a Sweep round, nasty when easily scared (7) ?a?i???

3d Joker cribs idea about actor in Halifax? (3,5,6) ??? ????? ?a?o?i

thanks x



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11 Nice-(s)t(a)y


11 nicety

7 spongiform

15 Panicky

11a Nice ty


Sir Derek Jacobi - anagram

3 sir derek jacobi

spongiform is right, of course.

3d Sir Derek Jacobi....anagram

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thanks all x

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Radio Times 36

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