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Spectator N0 2669 By Fire

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Matakari | 21:13 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
12 Answers

Good evening, I’m quite pleased with the new setter for this week’s Spectator, gentle and very Matakari-friendly, reminds me of Doc’s offerings. The Unclueds fell into place early in the game, but I’m stuck on three of the clues for which I seek help. Thanks in advance!

8d   Every now and then poodles rolled in mud ( 4 ) : S?O?  ( SLOP )
31a Shooting Night Hunter in Crosby? ( 7 ) : ?OWL?NG     ( BOWLING )
40a Drop backchat ( 3 ) : S?G  ( SAG )



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,8 yes, alternate letters of poodles reversed (rolled)

41 B owl ing 

SLOP looks okay alternate letters of PoOdLeS when rolled over

Yes, sag (drop) reversed (back)

sag yes- GAS )chat) backwards

Yes- the Crosby is Bing Crosby

..reversed (back) chat - gas

Matakari, glad you were quite pleased with this one, and needed so little help. In fact, you actually NEEDED no help, you just didn't trust your answers!

PS.Remind yourself that you have you have done well over 700 Speccie puzzles - you've obviously gained a lot of skills over the years.

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW, scorpiojo, newmodarmy! My reasoning for these was quite similar to yours.

Thanks, Matakari. I think it's time for you to shake off the shackles, lose the comfort blanket that AB is for you!

Yes, a gentle offering with a pleasing theme. Looking forward to more of Fire's work in future. 

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Does anyone know if the new setter, Fire, is a man or a woman?

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Spectator N0 2669 By Fire

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