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Whats This Film......

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ToraToraTora | 16:44 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

Similar premise to 633 squadron. They have to bomb somewhere by getting a special bomb down a tunnel to destroy some German facility. The practice by dropping dummy bombs in a field that has an arch in it to emulate the tunnel.



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Mosquito Squadron?
16:57 Sat 31st Aug 2024

Are you thinking of the heavy water plant in Norway that we were trying to destroy? That was under a rock-overhang, I think, rather than down a tunnel.

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that was 633 squadron bhg. Similar premise but they have to get a bomd to go down a horizontal tunnel.

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in 633 squadron it was a fuel factory for rockets. The heavy water factory was the cockleshell heroes.

No, 633 was in colour. The one I'm thinking of was in B&W.

Mosquito Squadron?

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yep that's it DDIL. Thanks

The Heroes of Telemark?

They were out to destroy a plant making 'heavy water' for the Nazi atom bomb?

mozzies were fighter-bombers apparently

which is kinda odd as if you took off in full throttle the propeller was liable to be still and the fuselage twist over.... ( Maff master 1964)

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