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Clue Chain 8

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Canary42 | 20:22 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Crosswords
625 Answers

Starting Clue Chain 8 - all welcome 😊

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.  If nobody has answered the clue within 30 minutes, the setter should post a further hint and so on until the clue is solved.


Pass student is leading to a charged particle crash (9)



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Any hints Johnny?

you got half the anagram now find the other half



caimans and alligators

found with the crocodiles in the zoo

Thanks 😊

Has this knighthood been bestowed on a confused big cat attached reportedly to a pole listed on courses? (7, 5)


Hint 1 - on the menu

Question Author

Penarth steak ?

Can't completely parse it, but anagram of panther for start.

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Or how about SIRLOIN STEAK ? ? ? 

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I think Sirloin Steak must be right, and since I've spent the evening replenishing my clue store (more than 2 dozen there now) I'm raring to go. So, next clue coming up shortly.

Question Author


Men parent's made perpetual (9)



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Past my bedtime - carry on night owls if you get it.


Goodnight  😴     😴     😴     😴     😴     😴     😴     😴     😴     

You were correct, Canary 😊

? Permanent

Clue: Carry round with you forever airline horses in a wayward way (7)

Hint 1:  Some people find it difficult to offload.

Indirect anagrams are not allowed in 'proper' crosswords because they are unfair. The letters making the anagram (the fodder) should appear in the clue with the anagrind (anagram indicator) adjacent.

Everyone take note - Miser has spoken 😀  Your turn Miser - show us the proper way.

Answer to my clue is baggage -  BA gg age.

End of .............

Hazlinny, you know exactly what I mean. I'm sorry you have taken umbrage at my post which you are free to ignore.

🥊🥊end of round one😀

Somebody give us a clue.  Anybody 🙃

Question Author

Let me intercede in your little spat.  While I agree (on the subject of indirect anagrams) with miser who is the originator of the CC idea (I am only the OP here by proxy when CC7 ran out), there is an alternative consideration which I am happy with.  

Regular crossworders tend to get used to different setter's styles, and having come to accept hazlinny's penchant for indirect anagrams, I take this into account when addressing her clues in this fun thread.  Personal choice I guess, not important enough to fall out over 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 

We can ill afford to lose anyone from our pitifully small population of contributors😥 if this game is to thrive.



Thank you, Canary 😊  To me this has been a fun thread, one I have enjoyed and spent some of my spare time on it.  While I realise Miser started this thread, he has taken little or no involvement in it of late yet sees fit to come in and comment on what one is doing wrong.  We are not "Daily Telegraph" ​​​​​​​crossword compilers!

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