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Romanian Aid Foundation Summer Quiz C/D 7/9/24

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ddenson658 | 11:44 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

Really struggling with this last one - 

23. 2 stones on the High Priest's breastplate (4,3,7)

Answer should start with G

Thanks for any help



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Is there a theme to the quiz, other than this one starts with a 'G'?

Question Author

No sorry, no theme, other than the first letter fits in with a song lyric, so must be G. It's something biblical but I can't figure it out!

Sorry just seen it should start with a G.

Question Author

Thanks for input, going by rest of quiz, it shouldn't be so obscure

Gold and (emerald?)

Question Author

It could well be, but there are other stones mentioned that also have 7 letters. I'll have to try and do a bit more research.

Thanks for the suggestions

^^^ but gold isn't a stone is it?

23 should start with u fabbonacci is right

The only g I have is number 20

iffy Ruby and Diamond........Neil Diamond sang Ruby

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Romanian Aid Foundation Summer Quiz C/D 7/9/24

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