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Head Of School Retired?Define "Sacked".(4,5)

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petethedog99 | 11:28 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
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Dean fired ?????

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Not sure, but many thanks 👍 

I agree, it is somewhat flaky. Best I could do (where's L-I-K when you need him).

Dope-fiend (head) - 'pod' (school, retired; back) + anag 'define'


seen as dope fiend- I can see Pod and anagram of define

a group of sea mammals such as whales or dolphins is a school or pod

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Many Thanks 👍

25.  slang
a. a person who regularly takes drugs, esp LSD or cannabis

dope fiend= head is new to me. I can see dopefiend= dopehead/smackhead but didn't know head meant the same thing

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Head Of School Retired?Define "Sacked".(4,5)

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