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Guardian Genius 255

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LeenaH | 16:07 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

Please help with these

16 After run-in Relate is giving support(7)

27 Lands start to wane in famines (6)

8d one for Charles Siegfried's partner on a programme (8)

5 Papers rip and run after set back (6)


Thanks a lot






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LeenaH, there're very big hints  to 16  and 5 on Matakari's thread - have you seen those? 

27 The definitions is Lands, noun, places. A common word for Famine loses its first letter -leading to where you/we live...

8 Siegfried relates to a tv show, series of books. It's easier just to think of it as 'one for King Charles', not a republican, but a ...

Thanks, Fibonacci.

16 the clue leads to trellis but you then need to anagram (stiller? tillers?...)

Question Author

Thanks a lot

I just have 2 left


With the most gravy or the most salt (8)


A racing trophy?

Nice one!(First in Donington in Accord) (7)

Thanks, Leena. I can't think of another hint for 18 (there's one on the other thread)...the answer is Sauciest, with the most gravy and or salt, cheek etc.

19a A Man motorbike race trophy shortened + "one" if you live in Nice, France + D(onnington) = accord (definition)

that should read "Isle of Man"!

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Guardian Genius 255

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