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Labour To Bring Railways Into Public Ownership

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webbo3 | 12:04 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | News
21 Answers

How much will this cost.

The rollingstock 

the rails

the trains

the stations



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if they do it well then it will be worth the cost. the current situation is unacceptable... costs go to the state sector and profits to the private. our railways are very poorly managed indeed. 

Yes, it'll be interesting to see how civil servants cope with this.

what they have actually done is nothing on your list Webbo.

the current Act has been tweaked so there's no natual presumption that when a service contract ends (the government calls them "franchises" but they've not been that since Covid days) that a replacement will be tendered for. this then allows for service contracts to be brought "in-house" as each contract ends.

the tracks and stations are already nationalised, as Network Rail has been under government control for some years.

the trains are privately owned and leased to the contract holders, this won't change, any government operated services will still need to have trains leased for it.

there will be no nationalisation of freight services; it is unclear if there are any plans for "open access" operators to have their operations taken away from them.

Funny how when  I posted on this subject about Starmer nationalising the Railway on Sun 1st Sept it was rebuked by the usual gang of suspects and the insults never stopped.  But suddenly it is news .But  then again I ain't in the ABs cronie club am I.

It's useful to do. Whether it's a higher priority than other stuff is another matter.

They also need to sort out these private companies supplying PPE to the NHS, especially the ones with inflated profit margins, and back kitchen cowboys.

It's not public ownership which is the nub of the matter.

When Peter Parker, (father of Nathaniel - The Inspector Lynley Mysteries) was BR boss from 1976 ...

per Wikipedia

 His socialist principles were severely tested by the industrial relations difficulties with the three railway unions (ASLEF, the National Union of Railwaymen and the Transport Salaried Staffs' Association) while he was Chairman of British Rail. There were several major strikes on the railway system during his chairmanship.

That was around 50 years ago ... and the bullying Unions are still out of control. 


Labour don't have a clue - doomed to failure.

^^^ Boris, Liz, Sunak, did then, did they 0:))))

No, but they are not in power now are they?

^^ NO their not and thats because their only interest was self interest, hence the debts. As my mum would say when things got tuff, stop moaning and make do with what you do have. Wrapping people up in cotton wool and giving them everything they (think) they need don't in anyway help or educate them in the real world. The more you give the more they keep coming and asking for. 

but but but - Labour promised "NO MORE AUSTERITY"!!!!

I think that last sentence of yours nicebloke1 is about their union mates because you can bet they will be back soon for more "The more you give the more they keep coming and asking for."

Nicebloke, //Wrapping people up in cotton wool and giving them everything they (think) they need don't in anyway help or educate them in the real world. The more you give the more they keep coming and asking for. //


You should have told them that before they capitulated to the greedy unions the moment they took office.

//The more you give the more they keep coming and asking for. //

Hahaha, tell your Union buddies that.

Carry on moaning :0)))

That foot needs some serious support, nicebloke.  It's suffering from flip-flopping.

I Suppose it must seem a bit odd to the Tories on here when they see Labour giving the real taxpayers back some of their tax in pay rises instead of being trousered by the fat cat Tory MPs and their Cronies like Matt Hancock and Michelle money etc,etc,etc.

You wont believe me gulliver1 but I have voted Labour in the past and been in a Union the FBU and each time Labour have come into power I have ended up with less money in my pocket so why should I trust them to put more in them now I am a pensioner.

But  then again I ain't in the ABs cronie club am I.

Bear your cross with fortitude Gulls - and remember Marx ( groucho that is) - I wdnt be a member of a club that elects me

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