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Radio Times Crossword 36

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mazza11 | 11:04 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
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8 down. (8,6) fruit for bureaucrat with old compass. M?n???i???????. 12 across island song behind relative with container (4,7) ?r??????????. 18 across sitcom needs metal sphere with ring on (4,7) ???d?a????? 10 across Kiss? Is able to lots? Nearly(8)?????d?? Any help appreciated. Struggling with this!




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mandarin Orange
11:05 Thu 05th Sep 2024

mandarin Orange

12a Gran CanAria


18a Lead Balloon - 'lead (metal) ball (sphere) o (ring) on'
10a Can-oodle(s; nearly)

18a something     Ball O ON

Maybe lead balloon but I don't see where sitcom comes in as the definition.

Okay, Lead Balloon was a 2006 sitcom- apparently

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Many thanks for help. I have some clues to work on now.


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Radio Times Crossword 36

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