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Tls 1542

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 11:28 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

Two left - 

Pop getting hold of Henry Mancini-featuring work (5) C?O?E 

I penned Any Old Iron and Old City Grand (covered by Queen) (7) B?R?E?S

Thanks muchly 



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Choke - 'Coke' (Coca-Cola, getting hold of) 'H(enry)'
Burgess - 'Ur (old city) g(rand)' (penned by; inside) '(Good Queen) Bess'

Question Author

Cheers boss! :) 

You're welcome 😊

6a.  Old lady encountered a provocative writer for The Village Voice once.  (5)   m?m?o

19a.  Arthurian writer's request to retain text about conflict. (7)  ??e?a?y

Help please.

Ma met

Mamet (David)




I presume ste war t

Thank you all ..... can see where I've gone wrong now !  ;o(

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Tls 1542

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