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Time To Close Most Of The Bank Branches?

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ToraToraTora | 12:08 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
39 Answers

My bank is offering a type of current account that I'd quite like to have so I need to convert my existing current account, right? OK so of course I can't do it on line I have to go to the branch! Not been to a branch for years can't remember the last time but they were quiet helpful when I did go! Not any more! I said I would like to convert my current account to the new fangled account they have been beating to death in the media. Now you'd think they'd be delighted! Oh no I have to make an appointment! Next one in about a fortnight! The girl got in a strop when I suggested they move out of the 19th century. What purpose do they now serve?



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A lot of people, especially the elderly don't do on-line banking and use their branch all the time.  Banks should really cater for all their customers.

not much - last 2 times I've been to bank branches was to close my accounts which (apparently) cannot be done on line.

I found some old banknotes yesterday that I need to change for new ones. Can't do that online. 

I do most of my banking online but not everyone can or wants to. Keep them open. There's always a queue in my solitary local bank, so they are needed. 

I have only visited our banks a few times in the last ten years, to provide proof of LPA and signatures.

That is no longer necessary as I can give anyone a code to grant them permission to view the LPAs online.

It is essential that everyone who cannot use the internet for whatever reason has access to their banks.  I like the idea of bank hubs that are open to all customers of every bank. 

I do all of my banking online. All of it. Then about 3 months ago  I had a major prob with my bank card for my main bank account. Basically the contactless decided to stop working - at the till at the supermarket which was mortifying, as the PIN didn't then work when I tried to inset the card. Had to abandon everything. Got home and rang bank - v nice and friendly but they said they would have to send out new PIN. Fine, as long as it's here tomorrow as I'm going away for 2 days and need my card. Sorry they said - cud be several days. What am I meant to do?? I can't even use cash point to get cash out. You can go into a branch and withdraw cash to cover those days, that's the only answer. And so that's what I had to do. There wasn't enough in the other bank for what I needed, so I went to the nearest branch and withdrew quite a large sum. In fact I drove past it yesterday and it has a huge sign in window which says WE ARE NOT CLOSING! WE ARE HERE TILL AT LEAST 2028.
I would  have been  pretty stuck without that branch that day, which funnily enough I had never been in before.

smow - these days it's a wise precaution to have more than one bank (current) account in case the one you use regularly goes teats up. I have 3.

People also have credit cards they find useful in emergencies.

All of my banks allow me to withdraw cash over the counter at any post office.  Not sure if that would work if the contactless and PIN doesn't work, though.

Still have to go in a branch if I need to withdraw a large sum of cash but can't think of any reason why that would be necessary 

I often have to make cash deposits - online banking is of no use there.

I can deposit at the post office too. 

My elderly relative is never out of her bank, she is in it at least 3 times a week!

I think she uses it as a social hub rather than its true purpose.

The alternative is people pay for the service.

WhenI was in the US (90's) I had a Chase account which did not include teller service and had to have $1500 in it or I got charged.

The big problem is that is costs the Banks money to operate many accounts and they are not a charity.


Cash is king. You lot will regret having all your resources confiscated or controlled by dictators or criminals, same thing really.

A lot of people, especially the elderly don't do on-line banking and use their branch all the time. 

thank god someone realises olds are digitally isolated. 

Perhaps you're with the wrong bank. Don't ask me which the right one is, you're lucky to find a beanch these days. It's not the branch that has no purpose, it's the bank trying to drop it's purpose.

People do pay for the service. Their money is held by the bank that immorally multiplies the figure and loans that out making them an absolute fortune. There is no excuse to charge the account holder more. In fact they should pay the account holder.

//Cash is king. You lot will regret having all your resources confiscated or controlled by dictators or criminals, same thing really.//

 I don't have a large enough mattress 🤣

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13:25 so you have all your money in cash under the bed?

most of the money of the world is just numbers in a computer, very little of it cash. If it ever gets to the stage you are talking about david then money will be irrelevant anyway. Society would collapse and we'd be back to the stone age.

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13:56 all I know is that most of the time I have no need of a branch and the one time I do it's worse than useless. I've got some lobotomised tracy trying to get me to make an appointment so they can ask me all the ins and outs of a cats chuff to do something that'll actually take them a few seconds.

We are in England !!! Went this morning into a second-hand bookshop in Winchcombe Glos. Mrs K. tried to buy 2 books with cash and was told by hoity toity lady that they don't do cash - in a  s.h. bookshop!!! - because there is no bank in the town.

I like the advert (can't remember what it's for) where the bloke is trying to by veg from a farm stall. He offers cash but the stallholder say "No - crypto only mate!"🤣

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