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Azed Finished I Think But

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quinol | 16:09 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

is there word 'listenerin' an anglo-german female auditress? :

35a auditor maybe is involved in relaxationof rent line (10) l-s-eneri-

Oh and

29d last of vessels heading for north island (4) sar-

sark? sarn? but why   help much appreciated



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Listener-in anagram 

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many thanks thestath, I didn't think of the hyphen

how about 29d the island

Sark - move the last letter of arks to the front

Question Author

many thanks toorak, should have seen that

Thought I was doing so well - but 11across has me worried -'The main idea, dull but lacking depth.' I have '?LOU - alou? Thanks.



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Azed Finished I Think But

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