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Who Would Be A Mod

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Canary42 | 07:21 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

For those of you who were still lazing in your beds, there was a terrible blitz of Spam earlier (about 7 o'clock), but quickly nipped in the bud by whoever was on duty. Well done whoever it was 😊   😊   😊   😊   




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I thank you.  I blasted a few, usual 7am blitz.

Who knew bits and spammers clocked in?

And bots too.

And bobs

As late as 07:00 ?

Who was scheduled for night duty last night ?

Slasher - the name of the  mod I mean

so busy was she slashing at un mimsy posts and  threads ( and so making them " better" ) that  by 0530 - exhaused she bent her noble head over the laptop and dozed....

scimitar taped to her hand ( a la I

How about re-naming this site "The answer removed bank"

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Who Would Be A Mod

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