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October’s First Class Stamps Increase

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 22:13 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Assuming you enter crossword comps in this manner, (and with 2nd class sure to follow), will it impact how many postal entries you make? 



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I don't do any puzzles that need a stamp to enter, but if I did, I'd be thinking hard about the cost.  A quiz or two each year, maybe, but not enough to worry about.

Not sure what Lynne (Mamya) would've made of it for her quizzing.  She always had several on the go at once & sent every one in, finished or not, so the charity would get the donation anyway.  She got through cheque books at a fair clip as well.

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Two of my faves - Country Life & The Big Issue - are steadfast postal-only comps so I'll probably stick with them. Email for the rest though. 

Hardly ever put a second class stamp on any crossword I send in as there is no guarantee it would arrive by the closing date sometimes I doubt even a first class stamp will get it there in time. Perhaps the papers could extend all closing dates by at least a week to help.

Buy more stamps before the price increases then.

Doesn’t everyone buy a stock of stamps before the price goes Up!

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Amazing idea, I'd never have thought of that!  

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October’s First Class Stamps Increase

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