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Spectator No. 2671

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 12:57 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
26 Answers

Reptiles into devouring a torso? (6) R??ORS 

Feast I seethed about includes crustless pie (6) E???IA 




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1 In the clue....



PS, with the first R being wrong.

2 Isodia, feast.Ot involves  Sod, I and (p)I(e), I think.

Question Author

Now I thought of that, but I got distracted by another clue giving the R! Rabbit holes...

Question Author

Thanks for both :) 

Thanks, NMA - I didn't really parse the Feast, I was near the end by then!

I am finding today's crossword very difficult.

Could I have some confirmations of some I have managed?

34a Less sensible director sacked later. (5)


9d. Virginia's sauce succeeded with turkey. (4)


Thank you.


Tilly2, I really enjoyed today's puzzle, but it was definitely tougher than the last two.

Yes, After, later, Dafter, less sensible, loses the D.

9 Sass, sauce, cheek, impertinence etc in American, Virginia. S, succeeded, in Chambers and Ass, turkey, dud etc (also American)

Thank you,NAC. 

Tilly2, glad I could help.

A tricky offering from Pabulum this week with one or two fiendish clues. Challenging, but great fun

A nice one from Pabulum.  FOD think of 32A as an americanism for reptiles.

I think the GATORS one was pretty much laid out on a plate for us by Neveracrossword yesterday

I'm stumped on 19D. It's unclued. I have all the other unclueds solved. I have:



I thinks it's 3 words.

is the first A defintely right?

I believe it is. It comes from another unclued entry: ELECTRA

No Mans Land

Thanks! I messed up my anagram at 22A.

Could someone explain why on this thread SODA equals seethed? re 37A And is ISODIA confirmed?

Without giving the game away could i get a hint for 30D and 1D please

and stumped by 40A Chap cupboads not one hairnet (5) i have ???oD



SOD (chap) around NO (not one)

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Spectator No. 2671

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