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Listener 4833 Keel Over By Vismut

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upsetter | 18:24 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Quite quick to finish but not too easy.
Several tricky clues and an amusing endgame.

Thanks, Vismut.



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Excellent puzzle. It took me a while, however, to determine the theme.

Some tough clues -- all fair (except, perhaps, the clue beginning XXX ... which I thought was stretching the limits somewhat).

Thanks, Vismut.

Lovely puzzle. A game of three halves for me. Had to cold solve quite a lot of clues before anything would fit. Then filling the grid. Then trying to figure out the instruction and the endgame. Still need extra time on the title and, like others, am puzzled by one wordplay. Thank you Vismut

It intrigues me why folk come on Answerbank to thank Listener setters. Why not write to the Listener.

Or is it because you like to flaunt your success in completing the puzzle 😀?

It intrigues me why Canary42 bothers to 'contribute' to these threads.

I'm flattered, thank you 😊

I see Canary42 is up to 26,003 answers on the Answerbank site. I think we should nominate him for an MBE for his unstinting public service to increasing the knowledge pool.

I enjoyed 4833, thanks Vismut. We've seen all the elements before, but not in this combination, and it was a very nice finish.


Clearly Canary42 has much time to spare. Looking at some of their recent posts I think we can finally identify the person responsible for writing Christmas cracker jokes.

Can I recommend a GCMG as an appropriate award? (God Calls Me God).

Seriously, though, there is little point in Canary42 continuing to moan about our threads. If you don't like them, take your custom elsewhere!

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Listener 4833 Keel Over By Vismut

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