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Farleigh Hospice Food And Drink

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Billy58 | 11:49 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Answers is either Food or Drink

17)  Are these insects joining in the song?    (7)

Thanks for any help.




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Any ideas? 

When is the closing date please Billy58?

can only think of houmous.  (sounds like insects "hummers")

Closes 31st December. Not been out long.

Chianti?  ant in chant ?

Beetles (Beatles)

Crickets (Buddy Holly and the crickets)

Ooops, sorry, missed food/drink aspect. Soz.


Humbugs is a good answer. 

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Farleigh Hospice Food And Drink

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