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Azed 2,726 Help With Parsing Please

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JSoap | 09:08 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Wee one's Xmas present, parts of it missing? He'll go through it (6) Trance a Scot's through passage. But can't parse it.




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Transe (trainset - it)
10:05 Sun 15th Sep 2024

Transe (trainset - it)

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Oops that should bee Transe.🙄

'Xmas present' = TRA(i)N SE(t) ['parts of i/t missing'] TRANSE is the alt spelling of 'trance'.

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Thanks @jj109. My brain and fingers aren't working today.

You're most welcome, JSoap!

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