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Belfast Trip Next Week

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gordiescotland1 | 15:56 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Travel
7 Answers

Hi there 

I am travelling to Belfast on Thursday for 2 nights with the coach from Glasgow and Stena Line from Cairnryan. Anybody done this before and what was it like? I've booked the Titanic Museum on the Friday. I was thinking of going to the botanical gardens, definitely going to the George's Market and a couple of old pubs. Any other ideas. Many thanks 



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The ferry takes around a couple of hours for the crossing.

Lots of good pubs here.

Duke of York, the Crown, Fibber Magees, etc

The Giant's Causeway.

sorry Naomi - don't give time to Giants Causeway.  Too much going on in Belfast for such a short time.  Just walk the Golden Mile from Europa Hotel.  Have a good time Gordie.

A bus tour.  They take in the 'peace wall', the murals from both communities, Titanic Quarter, and the university area.

Maybe have a drink in the Crown Bar.  It's an old Victorian gin palace.

Hop in hop off bus tour is a good idea on any holiday

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